PKF O’Connor Davies Admits Tom Pannell


PKF O’Connor Davies Advisory LLC, the advisory arm of New York-based IPA 100 firm PKF O’Connor Davies (FY21 net revenue of $256.5 million), has admitted Tom Pannell as a partner in its forensic, litigation and valuation services practice.

Pannell has almost 25 years of experience spearheading financial forensics investigations and responding to complex crisis events, including white collar crime, disputes, misconduct and bribery incidents. Before joining PKF O’Connor Davies, he spent over 20 years at a Big 4 firm, eventually becoming a partner, and most recently served as a managing director and the head of forensic accounting for a global risk advisory firm. He has provided a wide variety of services throughout his career, including global investigations, due diligence, asset tracing, restatements, forensic technology and litigation support, as well as proactive fraud and compliance improvement.

“Throughout his career, Tom has demonstrated a keen ability to support clients and help them successfully navigate what are often the most tumultuous and uncertain times in their organization’s history,” says Jonathan Moore, PIC of advisory services. “His expertise and leadership will bring real value to the team and our client partnerships.”


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