HR Expert: Let Your Employees Do Your Recruiting For You

Your staff loves working for your firm, and your benefits are generous. Are you fully exploring all the ways your workforce can help you recruit new staff?

At a time when a severe labor crunch is hitting companies of all kinds, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, has been answering HR questions in a series for USA Today. In a recent column, he offers several tips to “lean in” to your own employees to supplement recruitment efforts.

Staffing tops the list of worrisome issues for public accounting firms every year, and the concerns have only grown since the start of the pandemic, as hiring managers are struggling to fill open positions. Some ideas to consider:

  • Offering employee referral incentive program – Who doesn’t want to earn extra cash? A $1,500-$2,500 referral fee “excites their current employees, reduces the average time to fill vacancies and increases new employee retention.”
  • Encouraging use of social media – Employees who post open positions on their own personal social media accounts can give recruitment a boost.
  • Featuring employees – Give your career page more personality by adding photos of employees and their comments about why they like working at your organization.
  • Asking employees to leave online reviews – Most job candidates do their online research and positive reviews can give applicants a good idea of what it’s like at your workplace.


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