Enterprise, Ala.-based IPA 100 firm Carr Riggs & Ingram LLC (CRI) has admitted Dean Michael Mead as a partner in its governmental and public sector practice.
Mead has nearly 25 years of experience in accounting and financial reporting standards, specializing in audits and single audits. His knowledge of state and local government and GASB standards has allowed him to advise auditors and governments on the implementation and subsequent application of these various standards. Before joining CRI, Mead was the assistant director of research and technical activities for GASB.
“Dean has an uncanny ability to take the most complex of matters and break them down into usable information for process creation and compliance,” says CRI chairman and MP William Carr. “His knowledge of GASB, FASB, FASAB and IPSASB standards and his extensive experience implementing and applying them will make him a tremendous advisor to our government and public sector clients.”