IPA Profile: Wayne Berson, CEO, BDO USA

What is the single biggest challenge facing your firm now?

Your question makes me think of the famous line from Peter Drucker: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Culture must always be a priority because a business is only as strong as its culture and its people. At BDO, we’ve invested in building a strong culture, where our people come first. It’s not something we take for granted. Building and nurturing a thriving culture requires constant attention and investment.

Where do you expect to be focusing most of your attention in the next two to three years?

I expect to focus my attention on helping clients navigate the economic uncertainty – a challenge we’ve all experienced for some time now. The issue is: How do we continue to grow and deliver results for our stakeholders in this environment? We believe companies today must be resilient, while maintaining the capacity to withstand disruption and pivot to new opportunities. Companies also need to be committed to an outlook that embraces change and innovation.  

What is the biggest and sometimes missed opportunity for the profession?

Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to do more for our clients – to offer innovative solutions, often by leveraging new technologies. BDO is investing in artificial intelligence (AI) because we believe it has the potential to transform the work environment by augmenting human capabilities and empowering people. BDO is using the technology internally throughout the firm, as well as supporting our clients as they adapt and navigate AI integration. At BDO, we are mindful of its risks and are thoughtfully embedding it into day-to-day operations, empowering our teams to work smarter, faster, and more strategically.

What was the best advice you received as a young up-and-comer in the profession?

I was an audit senior working with a manager who had just come into the field. We learned that a new standard on pensions had just been implemented, and it was going to have a negative effect on the client’s balance sheet. The manager took me to a meeting with the CFO and warned me he might respond badly to this information. However, the manager was prepared and effective. He was calm and articulate in a manner the client listened to and understood. It was not what he wanted to hear but agreed right away that they needed to address this issue.

I learned a lot that day about the importance of proactive and honest communication.

What advice would you offer to someone entering the accounting profession today?

It’s not your grandfather’s profession anymore. So, my advice is: Keep an open mind – the possibilities and the opportunities are almost endless. Today’s accounting firms offer a wide variety of career paths to explore, allowing early-stage professionals the opportunity to pursue their interests. In fact, you could have multiple careers at one firm.

We have a lot of examples at BDO including a gentleman named George Marriott, who we recently featured in one of our commercials. George is an amazing example of what a career in the accounting profession can look like today.

I’d also point out that our profession is an excellent training ground for any businessperson. The training and experience you receive at an accounting firm is invaluable and will serve you well throughout your career.

What motivates you most as a leader?

I have the privilege of leading a firm that was established about 114 years ago. What motivates me most is serving as a good steward of that legacy. Every business decision we make as a leadership team is intended to uphold and strengthen our culture, so our people, clients and communities can thrive for another 100 years.

What business book would you recommend to other leaders?

One of my favorite books is From Good to Great by Jim Collins. I’m especially fond of his “get the right people on the bus” concept. The idea is for great organizations to ensure they have the right people on the bus – and the right people in the right seats – before they decide where to drive the bus. From Good to Great was an inspiration for our leadership team when I took on the role of CEO over a decade ago, and it’s still relevant now.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

I’ve been very fortunate to lead a great firm and help make it even greater. In the last decade, BDO has grown significantly, and that has allowed us to develop more leaders, deliver more value for our clients and give back more to the community.

Perhaps my proudest moment was when we established an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) last year. The ESOP gives our people beneficial ownership in the firm and a direct stake in its success. This ownership mindset sets our culture apart, as we are all in this together. We expect it will take our organization to new heights, fostering an environment of engagement, teamwork, and a sense that every contribution truly matters.

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