Aprio Welcomes Mark Li to Lead National Technology and Blockchain/Digital Assets Assurance Practice

Atlanta-based IPA 100 firm Aprio (FY22 net revenue of $317.3 million) announces the appointment of  Mark Li as national technology and blockchain/digital assets assurance leader. Li brings over 30 years of experience in public accounting and private industry to his new role.

“Mark’s addition will complement our team’s robust approach,” said Richard Kopelman, Aprio MP and CEO. “Mark brings valuable experience and leadership to Aprio that will be instrumental in expanding our service offerings and increasing the value we provide to clients.”

Li continued, “I am thrilled to join such a dynamic, growing firm that is disrupting the accounting profession. I look forward to working with our technology team to enhance our audit capabilities and integrate Aprio’s specialized offerings such as taxes, accounting, ITSOC, risk, transaction and valuation services.”


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