New York-based IPA 100 firm PKF O’Connor Davies (FY22 net revenue of $335 million) has admitted Michelle Skrobacz as a partner in its private client services group.
Skrobacz has more than 20 years of tax and senior leadership experience. Prior to joining PKF O’Connor Davies, she held a tax-focused management role with a financial advisory firm, where she was responsible for coordinating all tax planning and compliance matters for high-net-worth families and entities. She also advised clients on transaction options, estate planning and investment opportunities, helped resolve clients’ tax issues with government authorities, drafted tax memorandums and assisted with their accounting and financial needs.
“Michelle is a seasoned professional with decades of experience serving private clients and helping them identify tax planning opportunities and navigate the specific tax challenges they face,” says New England co-MP Laurie Austin. “Our clients will benefit immensely from her expertise, hands-on approach and commitment to value-driven service.”