Cincinnati-based IPA 200 firm Barnes Dennig & Co. (FY21 net revenue of $31.1 million) has admitted Rachael Cruse, Heather Steinke and Kara Wysinski as directors.

Cruse has amassed a broad range of accounting and auditing experience over her 12 years in the profession, largely serving non-profit organizations. She is also a member of the steering committee for the firm’s women’s growth and development initiative.
Steinke has 20 years of public accounting experience and is a leader on the firm’s tax team. She serves mainly privately owned businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries, including manufacturing and construction. Steinke is also a member of the firm’s tax committee, which establishes procedures and monitors quality control within the tax department.

Wysinski has 12 years of public accounting experience and works mostly with non-profits in the social service, behavioral health, education and arts sectors. Like Cruse, she also serves on the steering committee for the firm’s women’s growth and development initiative.
“We have consciously built a culture of diversity and inclusion and to see an entire group of women leaders makes us very proud,” says managing director Jay Rammes. “Each of these new directors has found a way to create their own personal brand and expertise in unique specialties so that as a firm we can grow and serve our clients better.”