Mike Alerding, a founding director of Alerding CPA Group of Indianapolis, passed away on March 29 at the age of 73.
Alerding became a CPA in 1971 and founded Alerding CPA Group in 1998, where he served in a variety of roles over the decades, including managing director and most recently in an of counsel capacity. In a statement, the firm described Alerding as a dynamic public speaker and a passionate advocate for the profession.
“He will be sorely missed by his work family here at Alerding CPA Group, but years of wonderful memories will remain to remind us of how remarkable he was,” the statement went on to say. “His laugh and smile will long be remembered here at our firm…a unique place that began as an idea and became much more.”
As noted in his obituary, Alerding collected many honors and awards throughout his career, including: Indiana University Kelley School of Business Inaugural “Accounting Alumni Recognition Award for Community Service,” “Accounting Advocate of the Year” by the U.S. SBA 1989/2000, Distinguished Alumni – Cathedral High School, Volunteer of the Year – Indiana CPA Society, and Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series 1981.
Alerding CPA Group recently announced the passing of founding partner Mike Farmer as well.