Best Practices For Completing The 2022 IPA Practice Management Survey

Whether you are new to the INSIDE Public Accounting survey or a seasoned pro, we want to make it easy for you to complete the IPA practice management survey this year. To that end, we invite you to view this helpful on-demand webinar on completing the 2022 survey, which addresses the following:

  1. A summary of what’s included in the IPA survey
  2. An overview of the various tabs
  3. The mechanics of completing the survey
  4. A section-by-section description of what is being requested, along with the nuances of some questions
  5. An overview of the most common errors we see and how to avoid them

Reviewing this webinar before filling out the survey will save you time and minimize any chances for errors or confusion.

In 2022, we are expecting more than 600 firms to participate in the annual IPA national practice management survey. Your full participation means your firm will be included in one of the largest annual practice management surveys within the accounting profession. You will also:

Receive a complimentary executive summary of the 2022 IPA National Practice Management Benchmarking Report when published in September.

  • Receive complimentary executive summaries of the 2022 IPA Firm Administration, Human Resources and Information Technology Practice Management Reports (if your firm completes these surveys).
  • Receive preferred pricing on 2022 IPA benchmarking tools and products.
  • Become eligible to be ranked among this year’s top firms in the IPA 100, IPA 200, IPA 300 and IPA 400.
  • Become eligible to be named an IPA Best of the Best firm.
  • Receive a complimentary copy of IPA’s August 2022 newsletter, highlighting the annual IPA 400 firm rankings, along with summarized financial and operational analysis of the largest firms in the U.S., the IPA 100.
  • Receive complimentary imagery and press releases if your firm is named an IPA 400, a Best of the Best or a Fastest-Growing firm.
  • Gain a competitive advantage and grow your firm with industry insight from the independent benchmarking leader in the nation.



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